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教师英文名称:Jinfeng Ding
教师拼音名称:Ding Jinfeng
- 丁锦峰,丁永刚,李福建,吴鹏,朱敏,李春燕,朱新开,郭文善.Promoting pre-anthesis nitrogen accumulation in wheat to achieve high yield and nitrogen-use efficiency through agronomic measures.JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION,2021,44(17)2640-2652.
- 丁锦峰,李福建,徐东忆,吴鹏,朱敏,李春燕,朱新开,陈应龙.Tillage and nitrogen managements increased wheat yield through promoting vigor growth and production of tillers.AGRONOMY JOURNAL,2021,113(2)1640-1652.
- 丁锦峰,李福建,乐韬,徐东忆,朱敏,李春燕,朱新开,郭文善.Tillage and seeding strategies for wheat optimizing production in harvested rice fields with high soil moisture.SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2021,11(1)
- 丁锦峰,游蕊,丁永刚,王妍,朱敏,李春燕,朱新开,郭文善.基于不同栽培模式的小麦强、弱势粒灌浆特性研究.麦类作物学报,2020,40(10)1206-1214.
- 丁锦峰,梁鹏,郭德胜,刘德峻,殷明啸,朱敏,郭文善,李春燕.Remedial Application of Urea Eliminates Yield Losses in Wheat Waterlogged during Stem Elongation.AGRICULTURE-BASEL,2020,10(1)
- 丁锦峰,梁鹏,吴鹏,朱敏,李春燕,朱新开,郭文善.Identifying the Critical Stage Near Anthesis for Waterlogging on Wheat Yield and Its Components in the Yangtze River Basin, China.AGRONOMY-BASEL,2020,10(1)
- 丁锦峰,梁鹏,吴鹏,朱敏,李春燕,朱新开,郭文善,高德荣.Effects of waterlogging on grain yield and associated traits of historic wheat cultivars in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, China.FIELD CROPS RESEARCH,2020,246
- 丁锦峰,乐韬,李福建,谭世杰,马晓雯,朱新开,李春燕,郭文善.耕作方式和施氮量对稻茬小麦产量构成和群体质量的影响.中国农学通报,2019,(5)93-99.
- 丁锦峰,李福建,乐韬,吴鹏,朱敏,李春燕,朱新开,郭文善.Nitrogen Management Strategies of Tillage and No-Tillage Wheat Following Rice in the Yangtze River Basin, China: Grain Yield, Grain Protein, Nitrogen Efficiency, and Economics.AGRONOMY-BASEL,2020,10(2)
- 丁锦峰,丁永刚,李福建,吴鹏,朱敏,李春燕,朱新开,郭文善.Promoting pre-anthesis nitrogen accumulation in wheat to achieve high yield and nitrogen-use efficiency through agronomic measures.JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION,2021,44(17)2640-2652.
- 丁锦峰,李福建,徐东忆,吴鹏,朱敏,李春燕,朱新开,陈应龙.Tillage and nitrogen managements increased wheat yield through promoting vigor growth and production of tillers.AGRONOMY JOURNAL,2021,113(2)1640-1652.
- 丁锦峰,李福建,乐韬,徐东忆,朱敏,李春燕,朱新开,郭文善.Tillage and seeding strategies for wheat optimizing production in harvested rice fields with high soil moisture.SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2021,11(1)
- Ding Jinfeng, Li Fujian, Le Tao, Xu Dongyi, Zhu Min, Li Chunyan, Zhu Xinkai, Guo Wesnhan,Tillage and seeding strategies for wheat optimizing production in harvested rice fields with high soil moisture.Scientific Reports,2021,11(1):119.
- Ding Jinfeng, Li Fujian, Xu Dongyi, Wu Peng, Zhu Min, Li Chunyan, Zhu Xinkai, Chen Yinglong, Guo Wenshan,Tillage and nitrogen managements increased wheat yield through promoting vigor growth and production of tillers.Agronomy Journal,2021,113(2):1640-1652.
- 丁锦峰,梁鹏,吴鹏,朱敏,李春燕,朱新开,郭文善,高德荣.Effects of waterlogging on grain yield and associated traits of historic wheat cultivars in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, China.FIELD CROPS RESEARCH,2020,246